学术主持:陈传席Artistic Advisor: Chen Chuanxi
策展人 :张兰、郑贵Planners:Zhang Lan & Zheng Gui
策展助理:温美玲、姜楠Planning Assistants: Wen Meiling, Jiang Nan
编辑设计:欧阳典典Editorial Designer: Ouyang Diandian
Opening time: 3:00PM, December 16, 2020
Exhibition time: December 16-22, 2020
展览地点:亿达时代美术馆(地铁灯市口站)Venue: Yida Times Art Museum (Dengshikou MTR Station)
北京东方艺术文化传承中心Beijing Oriental Art and Culture Heritage Center 北京润玉文化有限公司Beijing Runyu Culture Co., Ltd.
承办单位/Organizers亿达时代美术馆Yida Times Art Museum汀兰文化Tinglan Culture艺发文化传媒有限公司Yifa Culture media Co., LTD
Guangzhou Xincifang Culture and Art Co., Ltd.
Institute Of Contemporary Art Beijing
Niu Vision (Beijing) International Cultural Production Co., Ltd.
Mingjiu Tianxia (Beijing) International Wine Co., Ltd.
Bolaiya Qingteng Art Center
Beijing-Ying Tea Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
When entering the 20th century, China was a poor and weak country with foreign powers coveting her. Changes unseen in a thousand years took place in this land: the “May 4th Movement” saving the country and then the founding of the Communist Party of China. Afterwards, the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, resisted foreign aggressors, became independent and strong, and created a prosperous age over a magnificent century. Today, we are here to mark the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China by recording the prosperity of the times with paintings and by depicting the gorgeous landscape sceneries of the motherland with brushes and inks.
中国画是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是东方文化艺术的精髓, 有着极高的成就,中国画是数千年来中华民族智慧和心血的结晶。中国现在日益强大,救亡图存的时代永远过去了,现在连西方人都开始认真地研究中国传统文化。
Chinese painting, an important part of Chinese traditional culture and the essence of oriental cultures and arts, has made great achievements. Chinese painting is the crystallization of the wisdom and arduous work of the Chinese people for thousands of years. As China is becoming increasingly stronger, the era of national salvation is forever gone. The Westerners have started to study Chinese traditional culture earnestly.
The strong vitality of Chinese painting is consistent with the vitality of Chinese culture. Chinese painting conforms to the laws of the universe, conforms to the high degree of harmony between man and nature, man and society, and man and oneself, and conforms to the ease and pleasure, pure goodness and beauty that people aspire to. These are the ideals contained in Chinese brush-and-ink culture, completely embodying the essence of Chinese classical philosophy. The spirit of Chinese painting is all in brushes and inks, and the unique spirit and temperament of Chinese painting are a specific genetic gene of the national culture.
The inheritance and creativity of Chinese painting art is a topic of common interest rooted in the classics but surpassing the classics, regarding study and creativity of Chinese painting art. The participating artists in this very exhibition are national prominent figures in their respective painting styles and characteristics. They all have conducted various artistic explorations in their gratifying and admirable artistic works. Furthermore, their paintings have witnessed their journeys of painting art in the progresses and accomplishments of Chinese painting in the new era.
Today, we have entered a new era of advanced science and technology and economic prosperity with cultural confidence of both inspiring and inspired people. This is an era that will make us all more confident in our national culture. Awaiting us is a bright future when the art of Chinese painting is bound to revitalize and thrive.
Zhang Lan
人民网 新华网 新华网客户端 光明日报 光明网客户端 中国美术报 中国文艺网 中国美术家网 中国书画家网 中国画廊网 雅昌网 珀莱雅·青藤艺术 名家翰墨 收藏年鉴 5A画廊 汀兰文化 睿德轩 艺林藻鉴等几百家网站报道
中国文联官网视频 中国文艺网官网视频 中国网官网视频 央视书画频道视频 竞友艺术网视频 荣宝斋在线视频 琉璃厂在线视频 搜狐视频 腾讯视频 网易视频 爱奇艺视频 优酷视频 新浪视频 西爪视频 今日头条视频 一点资讯视频 土豆视频 凤凰视频 56视频 百度视频 UC视频
郜宗远 郭石夫 萧 瀚
龙 瑞 张复兴 汤 立
吴冠南 张鸿飞 陈传席
张 松 苗再新 满维起
于 水 邢少臣 谢冰毅
邓远坡 史国良 白云乡
杨国新 胡 石 边平山
纪连彬 徐 里 卢禹舜
南海岩 王界山 于文江
贾广健 唐 辉 尹沧海
姚震西 崔 进 乔宜男
刘 钻 王 平 魏云飞
庚子花卉 46cm×69cm 纸本设色 2020年
灌花自家园 46cm×69cm 纸本设色 2020年
花卉册页二 47x38cm 纸本 2018
花卉册页一 47x38cm 纸本 2018
芍药百合46cm×69cm 纸本设色 2020年
水静秋凉 46cm×69cm 纸本设色 2020年
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